Why learn history and what the students opinions on the subject are

Presentation and clarification of the problem

Historical studies and understanding of past events have shaped the course future political, military strategies and social development. Every culture and country is vastly influenced by its historical past and traditions passed down through generations. The perception of events has a distinctive role to play in shaping societal norms, traditions and cultural practices. Hence the significance of historical understanding is important in grasping the lessons from past events. History refers to the study of past events and encompasses a review and insight of past conflicts, alliances and chain of events that forms of the base of current day relations. History has been defined by authors like Marwick (1970) as cited by Watts (1972, p.41) history as what actually happened in the past history as our inevitably imperfect understanding of what happened in the past history as the continuing attempt by professional historians to extend our knowledge and improve our understanding of what happened in the past. The subject relates to the knowledge of past events, an understanding of past events, and the process of research that applies to the extraction of information and data.

The historical studies and understanding of past events and its significance in individual development of values, morals and ethics is the highlight of the paper. The school curriculum is designed to provide an improved understanding of cultural values, and social development to induce a healthy perception within student for different communities and nations. However, the general consensus of students has been that the study of history is irrelevant in pursuing future career options and the question of its relevance and contributions to individual goals and objectives (Kreis, 2000). Why study history The answer to this question focuses on two distinct perspectives

Why should students learn history  its relevance and significance to future goals and career objectives
The learning factor and student motivation in studying history  how can the subject matter be made more interesting for students to enhance the learning process.

The study provides an assessment of the historical significance based on theories, previous research and student opinion on the topic.


Both primary and secondary data sources were used in the research process and the information gathered in the process has been presented in the analysis and discussion section of the paper. Secondary data sources are based on already researched and proven studies on the particular subject matter. These sources are very effective in formulating theories and presenting the facts and figures on the relevant study area. The discussion addresses the relevance of historical studies in school curriculum and its significance in instilling basic human values within individual. The study focuses on the topic through an extensive review of works of various authors and school research papers that emphasize the relevance of studying history. The school curriculum provided with lot of important insights on why the subject should be studied and how it relates to the development of the society within which we live.

Primary data is collected to gather a real picture of the existing situation within the scope of the research objective. This is usually done with the help of interviews and questionnaire that helps in analyzing the research topic and gain useful insights into the subject matter. During the course of this research process a questionnaire was designed for the students of the school studying history. The questionnaire was presented to the sampling unit consisting of 16 girls and 10 boys. The survey taken by the author of this paper was of great assistance in providing some useful insights into the topic. The questionnaire comprised of 7 open ended questions and asked the students to fill in their opinions on each of the 7 questions. The questionnaires follow an open-ended structure since the data gathered from such method is more refined and accurate in nature. The filled in questionnaires are provided in the appendix and have been used to provide an insight into the responses and information collected that forms the basis of the research analysis.

Theoretical overview on relevance of history in the school curriculum

The aim of education is to furnish children, young people and adults with the tools they need to face the tasks of life and surmount its challenges together with others (Curriculum Norway, 2009, p.5). Education serves as the means of qualifying people to assist in their future roles and develop individual mindsets and attitudes towards a more positive outlook and co-existence in life. The school curriculum has been designed to provide the students with an overall development and skills in diverse areas related to social development that upholds basic human values, responsibilities and active participation in democratic community.

If we are ignorant of the contemporary and historical experiences of a variety of cultures, then we cannot hope to understand why people, communities, or nations behave the way they do or make the decisions they make (US Ed, 2008, p.2). It equips us with the necessary information and tools to take able decisions.

Specific activities designed in the curriculum for this purpose are (Curriculum, 2009)

Finding and assessing historical evidences and information and make presentations to improve historical understanding.

Choose a historical character and analyse the social frameworks that influenced the actions of the person.
Collect substantial information and evidence from various digital sources to present a critical discussion on specific historic events and actions.

Identify some of the important points highlighted by researchers and provide an understanding of the event through various perspectives.

Explain the reason behind different time periods in history and the factors influencing the distinction of various historical phases.

History is a meaningful nexus between past, present and future  not merely a perspective on what has been (Rusen, 2005, p.25). The subject bridges the gap between the past and the present, the interpretation of past events that have a temporary change in society and influences the course of future events. Hence the knowledge of these events and an improved understanding of the past can help greatly in shaping individual relations, social responsibilities and moral obligations. Historical consciousness thus provides a platform that assists in comprehending past actuality in order to grasp present actuality (Rusen, 2005, p.25). The process of historical consciousness involves the study of content drawn from past events, an understanding of the historical significance of the events, its orientation with external and internal environment, relating historical orientation to moral values and reasoning (Rusen, 2005).

One of the primary questions students of history ask is the relevance of the subject in terms of future studies or career choices. A research report (2008) on Why Study History by the US Education department lists a number of reasons for students to study the subject. The report states that the study of history provides us with the ability to assess and evaluate individual behavior by developing an improved understanding of the past behavior of people and societies. Moreover, it helps us in understanding the changes that have taken place within the society over the past few decades or centuries to bring it to its present state. A study of our ancestors, different communities and countries provide us with an in-depth understanding of past events that have molded the present behaviors and existing religious, cultural, social or communal practices. This forms an excellent foundation for developing empathetic feelings towards fellow human beings and becoming a responsible citizen.

As Peter Stearns (1998), a noted historian observes History must serve as our laboratory, and data from the past must serve as our most vital evidence in the unavoidable quest to figure out why our complex species behaves as it does in societal settings. This fundamentally, is why we cannot stay away from history it offers the only extensive evidential base for the contemplation and analysis of how societies function, and people need to have some sense of how societies function simply to run their own lives (p.2). Policy makers and institutions while planning future outcomes are unaware of potential impacts or influence that the new policies may have on the society in context. In such cases, the study of history provides a strong evidence of similar situations and its implications. Moreover, the study of past facts and information provides a strong base for new research and development steps and its potential impact on the immediate society and community. Any policy or practice without adequate research and findings on past information may fail to deliver the intended outcomes. Hence the study of history provides a base for developing assessment skills, research skills, and analysis skills since students have to conduct an in-depth research of past events through exploratory studies, assess the information gathered to evaluate hypothesis and based on the assessment and evaluation the student analyses the events to form substantive evidence based on facts. Such evidence is helpful in framing future decisions or forming opinion on world affairs.

The study of history is very effective in inspiring us with emotions such as bravery, leadership, pride in our origins and respecting other cultures and communities. History teaches us that a single individual with great convictions or committed group can change the world (US Ed, 2008, p.1). Inspiration is one of the primary influences in learning history since the study of various revolutionary figures, leaders, and prominent historical individuals illustrate the significance of framing social attitudes, personality traits and strategies that re-defined human values and perceptions across generations.

History and social studies help students understand change and how the community, nation and world we live in came to be (US ed, 2008, p.2). Discussions in the previous paragraphs highlighted the significance of the study of history in analyzing present context in the light of past events and its role in policy making by assessing the possible impacts and potential outcomes. One of the key contributions of history is its role in helping students analyse how the community that they live in was shaped, the adoption of certain practices, traditional values and how the changes within the society that they live in took place.

Effective learning process and motivational perspectives
History has been labeled as a boring subject for many students and it can be little tricky remembering facts and figures that relate to the distant past. Conventional modes of teaching and learning are fast replaced by improved interactive forms of learning that involve increased collaborative tools and techniques in the classroom. Maier and Warren (2000) observe that the current methods of teaching and learning provide a more holistic approach involving the development of content or the knowledge base, intellectual skills, learning skills, personal and interpersonal skills. This involves the development of skills like critical thinking, problem solving abilities, creativity, time management, communication, and independent learner.

The use of technology to provide the students with visual presentations, animated sequences and digital tools to access unlimited expanse of information has added a new dimension to learning effectiveness. Sugar and Bonk (1995) state Electronic communities of learners provide an environment in which these collaborations can take place and students can collaboratively produce and analyse information. Teachers can now take advantage of these new technologies, and the worlds they open up to students, to change the way they teach and learn in todays classrooms (p.1). They also felt that electronic communities will provide the students with a more global education and enable them to view complex issues with a more global perspective.

Interactivity is a key element in deciding the effectiveness of the learning experience through discussions and sessions involving teachers and students. Vygotsky (1978) had observed that social interaction plays an important role in learning process. Arbaugh (2000) claims that learners involved in participative and more interactive classrooms are more likely to have positive attitudes towards learning and feel more satisfied. It is also seen that development of teamwork activities greatly facilitate communication among participants and increase their level of understanding of learning theories. The most effective teaching method involves a high level of interaction between the teacher and the student. Learning can be most productive when the teacher is able to gauge the learning capacity of the student, guide him through the process of learning knowing his limitations and shortcomings and providing constructive feedback. This process requires a two-way communication pattern between the learner and the instructor.

Keller (1988) states that one of the basic parameters of keeping the student interested and motivated through the learning modules is his attention. Once the attention of the student is on the learning tool the application needs to stimulate the learners curiosity that in turn leads to search for answers and in-depth study of the learning module. This keeps the student focused on his goal and helps him in the learning process.

History is a subject that explores the past and discovers the roots of civilization and the world. The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught but that every child should be given the wish to learn(Lubbock, 2007, p.71). John Lubbock has aptly described the kind of motivational level the teacher has to reach to achieve their objective of making a child wish to learn. The teacher needs to be more innovative in their approach to teaching history. Giving lectures and being a highly educated teacher does not mean that teaching is effective. They need to make sure that the child wants to learn the subject because they have an interest in it and how would they ensure that interest is generated and that is through motivation. Motivation for an effective learning can be generated through computer based programs, audio-visual presentations to keep them more focused. Computer games are a classic example of keeping the students motivated with their intriguing gaming technologies which keeps children hooked to the computer game. Rarely do we find a child who is not interested in such games where strong audio-visual effects combined with the gaming logic keeps them well motivated for hours. If the teachers follow this prototype it would be clear that with the use of technology and a good computer aided teaching then can do wonders for the students motivational levels. Getting the students to interact on the subject within themselves and with their teachers would be the outcome of using these interactive means.

Motivation is of two types. One is intrinsic motivation where a person wants to do something on their own or from within. This kind of motivation is present in all persons since their birth. A good example of it is that a child falls while trying to walk for the first time but still he gets up and tries to repeat it till he succeeds. This is something which the child wants to do from within. This kind of motivation is an effective form of learning as nobody can learn any subject if heshe are not motivated from within to learn. The student should love what they are doing. If they do not have an inner desire to do a particular task or learn they would never do it. They would always be thinking that why do we need to perform such a task which is of the least interest to me. Teachers should be directing them and showing them the path instead of trying forceful means.

The other kind of motivation is called extrinsic motivation where a person is motivated by external means. By external means it is meant that somebody tries to do something in return of a gift or any other material thing or it might be that person is threatened with a punishment that makes them compelled to perform a task. Compelling a person to do a thing can never achieve the desired result as the person is not feeling from within the need for doing such a task.

Studies have proven that as the child grows older their intrinsic motivation dies off and it is up to the teachers to rekindle the intrinsic mode of motivation. They have to rethink and redesign their teaching methodologies, be innovative so that the students get to learn their subjects in an interesting manner. This would be the only way in which effective learning can be achieved.

Discussion and analysis

The theoretical frameworks and a review of the various literary sources highlight some of the important facts related to the study of history. The historical understanding and consciousness is important in developing moral and ethical values among students that promotes the growth and development of a responsible citizen. Positive attitudes, well-informed individuals, and restricted biased views are some of the distinctive advantages possessed by students studying history. Solutions to social problems require the insights that emerge from diverse perspectives and experiences (US Ed, 2008, p.3). A well informed and responsible citizen can help in building an ideal society that nurtures positive attitudes, views and actions. The historical studies equip the students with the ability to listen empathetically to others, build independent opinions through in-depth assessment of facts and information available, and realize the significance of human relations, effective resolution of conflicts, and improved judgment skills.

The student responses to the questionnaire (refer appendix) identified some important points in context of the study. The opinions of the students of St Olav High School have been synthesized and categorized in the table below

YesNoSomewhatOther opinionIs the study of history important according to educational systems20Is it important to learn history191Do you find history fun and interesting875What appeals most to you during history lecturesWars, conflicts and evolution.
Cold war, Which part of history lectures do you find worstAncient history, social development, politicsDoes your history teacher motivate you1281How do you learn bestLessons and activities interactive sessions, visual presentations

The response sheet provided in the tabular format highlights a few distinctive points that are
All the students feel that the study of history is important in view of educational systems and individual opinions since it provides a deeper understanding of past events that relate to present social significance and relevance in developing human relations. This emphasizes the significance of the study of history in building an improved understanding of the past. The school curriculum is designed to enable students learn the process of assessment and evaluation of historical facts through various perspectives.

A significant section of the students felt that the study of history is boring and the details related to the study of past conflicts and events are uninteresting. The use of unconventional teaching methods using presentations, visuals and other interactive methods of teaching is essential in this field of study.

Most of the students found interactive sessions, visual presentations and classroom activities a source of motivation in learning faster and better. Interactivity as pointed by Vygotsky is an important element in enhancing the learning process.

The motivational levels of teachers play a vital role in enhancing the learning process through improved motivation. Motivation can be improved through the use of increased teaching aids and tools to generate interest in the class and assist in the process of remembering historical facts.

The theoretical framework of learning discussed in the previous sections illustrates the various means that can be adopted by teachers in the classroom to make the study of history both interesting and engaging to the learners. Motivation is the one of the most important components of creating and maintaining the interest of any student. History is a huge subject and makes one learn about varied cultures, countries, past happenings, wars and the impact it has on todays world. Considering the vastness of the subject, it is extremely important to keep students motivated which translate into an effective learning for them. Motivation can be of many types starting from computer aided teaching with audio and visual effects to power point presentations which will make the learning for the students intriguing and keeps them motivated with the subject.

A lot depends on teachers to keep the students motivated. According to the survey conducted with the students of St.Olav High School, some them have said that the teachers go on giving lectures which makes them feel boring and some have said that their teachers try to make it innovative by introducing power point presentations. Maximum of them were of the opinion that they were not motivated. Even if the teachers were having a good knowledge and were themselves keen to teach it was not sparking enough motivation for the students for an effective learning program. This was described by one of the students who pointed out that The teacher is in possession of much knowledge, and this shines through in his teaching. In spite of this, we are not motivated, even if the teacher himself finds it very exciting.

Another student said that We have a very good history teacher He knows the subject, responds well to all questions we have and spices the lecture with entertaining stories. He will start interesting discussions and encourages us to think for themselves.

This aspect of teaching also brings a variation in teaching methodology. The teacher is creating an interest within the students by combining entertaining stories while teaching the subject. The stories are depicting what he wants to deliver in his  her lecture. The students get more engaging in the lectures and start to ask questions. These kinds of interactive sessions with good debate makes the student more motivated for the subject and creates a self thinking atmosphere where they come up with more questions. This is a good example of interactivity leading to motivation and effective learning.

If the student really believes that it is worthwhile reading the subject then he  she will have a desire and a need to learn. Confidence building measures are another important -step to motivation. If the student is not confident of what he learns then he  she will be ill motivated and this will have a direct impact on the effectiveness of their learning. The teaching methodology should design instructional strategies through which the student can be more confident on the subject they are dealing with. This will instill them with an urge to learn more about the subject. The teachers should first evaluate them with simple tasks and then go with the higher levels so that their confidence is built while performing each task according to their difficulty level. It is important for the teachers to acknowledge the students efforts if they are successful. This will give them a boost in their confidence. However acknowledgement should be just and not unwarranted so that they know where they have succeeded and where they have not.Feedback from the students is an important step to ascertain their level of confidence in the subject. This will serve as a valid response to their motivational level which will make the teachers think about their instructional goals and strategies.

Teachers also help motivating the students is creating a classroom environment that is highly interactive. The students are given a say in the discussion, their thoughts and ideas are listened to and overall it is very interactive session. The sense of participating in a group discussion where your ideas and theories are discussed makes the student more confident. They have an intrinsic motivational attitude for learning more about the subject. The values in histories, how they are reflecting in todays world. What we should do and how we can inherit the varied cultures which existed. Schools should also have trips to certain historical places where the students can feel the existence of a particular event in history. Their involvement, dedication toward the subject will be given a boost by such trips. The areas where it is not possible to visit can be showed as a film or a presentation with audio-visual effects. The introduction of technology will make the student well conversant with the subject where they are able to relate the message giving with the aid of these technical tools. First they will be drawn to it by the technology and then we will follow the subject.


To conclude the impact of motivation on effective learning, it is important and imperative for the teachers to understand that monotonic lectures and references to books alone will not make the student enough motivated for vast subject like history. There is a need for innovative practices to be introduced. Participation of the students in interactive sessions, use of state of the art technologies to convey the subject values can be means through which the students will be motivated. Appropriate confidence building measures will further motivate them so that they can be more aligned to the subject. The discussion also focused on the importance of feedback from the students point of view. The question and answer survey of St. Olav High School is a good example of student thinking. It gives an insight to the teachers and the school management of the student participation of the subject. Knowledge has to be combined with behavioral aspects to generate self motivation among the students so that they have the wish to learn.

Here are the questions I asked the students (the questions are directly translated, so please rewrite them if necessary to make them better, so are the answers from the students, so it would be great if you could rewrite them to sound better)

Why do you think that the educational system thinks that the history subject is important
Do you think that the history subject is important to learn Whywhy not
Do you find history fun and interesting Whywhy not
What parts of the history lecture do you find best And why
What parts of history lecture do you find to be the worst Whywhy not
Does your history teacher motivate you to like the history subject How and does it work
How do you learn best

The girls (I have here split the answers in girls and boys, not sure if you want to use them separate or together. Together might be good since it is such a small assignement, but if there are any good discussion in their opiniondifferences in their answers please go ahead, but I couldnt see any big difference in their anwers)
Because it is important to know history of what has happened in the past. To know what happened before you were born.

Yes, because then you know what has happened in the past, etc. the wars and different cultures.

It is ok, interesting to learn about the wars and what has happened, but it can be a bit boring.

I liked the  first and second world war and the Vietnam war. Interesting to learn about what has happened. How and why the countries have changed and developed to what they are today. Which countries are in conflict and why. How technology and industry has evolved through the years.

I do not like ancient history, it is boring and a lot of material to learn. Because it is so fare from my  time, technology and industry.

Yes, he tries to make the subject more interesting by varying each class. He also uses powerpoint and asks questions that arouse the attention of students, at least for me.

Working on exercises, working with others on a theme e.g. cold war and lissen to the teacher having a lecture, but this can sometimes be a bit doll.

History is important to get an understanding for the local and international society, how and why they have become to what it is today. It can also give us an understanding to the cultural differences and why there are international conflicts.

I find history to be very important and it gives us a greater understanding and expands our horizon and let us see the big social context. History is also something that belongs to the general knowledge that is important.
I find this subject to be one of my favorite subjects I have at school. I think it is exciting, informative and fun. To understand history is for me to understand my fellow humans.

The cold war is without a doubt my favorite. It also shows us why we have different cultural problems today. The roman empire is also exciting, where great ideas and theories were designed. I also enjoy the renaissance and enlightenment era.I like lectures with power point and afterwards open discussions.

I do not enjoy the Viking era, to many different kings and battles. I find it unnecessary to learn, international is more important. I dont like doing exercises, it is boring.

Yes, he does his best to engage us, asking exciting questions and encourages to discussions. The questionsexercises he makes are interesting. The subject may seem boring, that is because it is a heavy subject and therefore you need a special interest in it to like it.

Through discussions, here you get input on different opinions which gives you a bigger perspective. Through lectures, gives you knowledgeMaking lecturespeech, makes you work with the subject which makes you remember it better and longer and it gives you better depth with in the subject.

Because it provides an understanding of how society has evolved into todays society. Provides knowledge and wisdom of how things and conflicts should be resolved on. Can understand the what people before us have gone through and their thoughts.

believe that history is very important, precisely because it gives me knowledge about what has happened previously and understanding of why things are as they are.

Depends on what the topic is. Is not always interesting with community development at the policy level sucks compared with the background to world wars and conflict areas. Although I am more interested in recent history than older history.

Documentary films that have been made in recent times and deal with conflicts over larger areas, this catches my attention most.

The worst is the section that deals with social development in Norway, it is more interesting when it comes to more countries or continents.

Through discussions. Had an incredibly good history in 8th through 10th grade. He brought out the interesting and gave new approaches to the different parts of history, in addition to that, he motivated us to think for our self.

I learn best through discussions and exercises. During the debates it emerges more objections that provide a better understanding of the various relationships in historical events.

Historical knowledge is important so that you understand todays society and why its the way it is.
 It can be very boring and unilateral.
Yes it is interesting but we have a very boring teacher.

I like good World War II because we had a teacher in the 8th - 10th grade that I learned a lot. I also like the old story from Egypt, Ive been there and found it very exciting.

I think that the older history of the Middle Ages is pretty boring. This may be because I do not know much about it.

I dont get the feeling that he tries to motivate us.

I like to see movies og pictures, because then I have something attach the topic to.

Because it is important to learn about the history to better understand why things are as they are today, so we can learn from history so that we do not make the same mistakes as our ancestors.

Yes, I think it is partly important, with justifications of what I have written above, but I think it is too much material and too many details.

Yes, I think its interesting, but I wish that the subject had less topics. Its a very difficult subject.
I like watching movies, and I feel I learn a lot from it. I like the most recent history e.g. wars.

Some history, and when there is a lot of details to remember. I think they go a little too much on small details, Id rather liked that it was a bit more superficial.

Well, not really. He is very committed individual and can the drug very well, but do not feel he is trying to motivate us.

Watch movies, read and then do exercises. The teacher can also have a powerpoint presentation, but not too long lecture that lasts the entire class.

Because it is important that we learn about how it was both in Norway and elsewhere in the past.

It is important, because it helps us to understand other cultures and countries. We become less judgmental toward others.

I think part of what we learn in history is fun. But as in all other subjects there are parts you do not like.
World War II, because it plays a huge role in why the world is as it is today.

Some of the things we learned about in ancient history, because it is difficult to understand how they lived.
A little, but not so much. It is mainly lecture classes and it becomes difficult to follow for a long time.

When I can combine it with something visual, that is, whether film, images or PowerPoint.Excursions are one of the best ways I learn in I museum visits.

Because we will get a glimpse of past societies and large events and understand how the foundation for today have been made throughout history. Much has been associated with religion as conflicts and wars, etc.
Yes because we should know the main features of world history and the causes and effects of conflicts to avoid making the same mistake again in the future. Throughout history, we can acquire both knowledge and good values and social understanding.

Yes, any recent history, since it is easier to recognize themselves in. Interestingly, the World Wars, etc. Not interesting about ancient history because there is very little news.

Group work and projects, use of PowerPoint. Dialogue between teacher and students, debate. Like specialization tasks.

Lecture, old-fashioned teaching which only the teacher talking. Reading and individual tasks.

Small, but the teacher has a lot of knowledge, which is inspiring. Like history in general, but older teachers are often less creative. Last season has my interest increased due to more varied work method, which is very motivating.

Team work, dental tasks and learning tasks. Also learn a lot of reading to try.

To understand the background to todays society and be able to learn from mistakes that have been done earlier and prevent it from happening again.

Yes, it is important to learn from history and to understand why things are as they are today.

I do not think that history is an especially fun subject, although at times can be quite interesting. The reason for this is that it can be incredibly boring. This has much to do with teaching methods to do.

I like when we see movies, use of PowerPoint or engage in alternative teaching methods. In my opinion, is learning, more interesting and I learn more of it.

Long lectures from the teacher without any visual aids.

I think the teacher is trying as best he can to make it interesting and want us to learn a lot, but because he is not so good with, among other things, powerpoint and other technological teaching methods and instead hold long lectures, I fall off.

Lecture with powerpoint, film, larger tasks, performances and assignments where we immerses us in a special theme.

History teaching is important for us to learn how humans and the world has been as it is today. History teaches us the wrong that has been made, so that we can avoid them. It is also important to know how things happened, so that we can easily understand why the world is such that it is today.

I think even that it is important to learn history so that we can learn about our origin and how society has evolved. Knowing that the Portuguese invaded Brazil, we can see why they speak Portuguese there today.
I really do not think that history is fun subjects, because it is too theoretical. But there are several topics that are taken up, which I find interesting and want to know more about, but often this is only a small part of the subject. The subject is heavy, and theoretical and is therefore not the highest on my list of favorite subjects.
I like the emigration to America, because I think its exciting to see how someone could just pack everything they had and create a new life on the other side of the globe.

I do not like so much the recent history because it involves as much politics as I really do not enjoy.
The teacher is himself so interested in history that it works in motivating us, but he is too kind and never checks the homework that means that we rarely make them. It is usually always the same students who respond when he asks, and it is they who likes history.

I have not found that out myself yet, but I guess by reading, doing exercises and listen to the teacher tells.

Because it can give us a better understanding of conflicts and incidents that still affects us. And in combination with the subject Religion we get a greater respect and understanding for people with other life situations than our own.

I think it is important for the same reasons that I wrote above.

It depends entirely on the topic, I like more recent history and preferably the events that we still see the effects of today.

Norways struggle for independence, World War I, World War II and womens liberation are all interesting topics. For there are events which were important in shaping the Norway and the world we know today.
I think we spent too much time on the great powers struggle for colonies in Africa, although I see the importance of it, it doesnt appeal to me.

We have a very good history teacher he knows the subject, responds well to all questions we have and spices the lecture with entertaining stories. He will start interesting discussions and encourages us to think for themselves.

Depends on the topic, but I usually read and take notes and discuss with fellow student and teacher.

Jeg har ikke ftt inntrykk av at historie er et fag som blir hyt prioritert ved skolen. Det legges mye mer vekt p realfag, norwegian and samfunnsfag.

Ja, det er viktig  ha godt innblikk Historien for  kunne danne seg et bedre bilda av grunnlaget dagens samfunn bygger on. Uten grunnleggende historiekunnskaper blir det vanskeligere  forst hvordan verden har blitt som den har blitt, og hvorfor den ser ut som den gjr i dag.

Historie i seg selv er nyttig og interessant, men as subject oppfattes as ikke fun. Endelse rekker av years to remember, names of places og statsledere i trre foredrag og tekstbkene that vekker ikke alltid like stor interesse. Mengden pages og mten det blir lagt frem i bkene har en tendens til  bli litt tungt.

Gruppearbeid og strre prosjekter hvor vi fr fordype oss i hver vrt spesielle emner er spennende og mye mer lrerikt. Foredrag for hverandre fungerer ogs bra. Dette vekker mer interesse nr vi fr jobbe sammen med de andre elevene og diskuterer. Its  also better to get an innblikk i the smaller topics enn et raskt overblikk over et stort topics.

Some hours may be incredibly boring, when the teacher has regular blackboard teaching. In these hours there is almost no use of powerpoint, laptop or slides, making it very monotonous. Often a class discussion between teacher and 4-5 committed students, often the same, while the rest more or less lose concentration and do other things.

The teacher is in possession of much knowledge, and this shines through in his teaching. In spite of this, we are not motivated, even if the teacher hinself finds it very exciting.

I learn best by either read themselves, and using repetition questions or specialization tasks. I think that there is too little time to do both and it is a little too much talk at times.

Because one learns from history. Do not repeat mistakes made in the past. Learning about how our ancestors had it.

Yes, the same reasons as mentioned above.

Yes, it is quite interesting. Because I think it is important to know what people before us have done.

If the teacher holds a really interesting lecture or show a good movie.

Nothing special. Homework is not so much fun, but you have it in all subjects.

Yes, he is committed and knows his subject.

Do not know, most works for me. Really interesting lectures are good.

Because if we learn history we can better understand how society is today such as why we have some conflicts.

Yes, important to learn. Because we can understand how modern society is structured by looking at the past. Understand also easier conflicts such as in the Middle East.

Yes, both fun and interesting. History is easy to learn through reading and are relevant because we learn from history and can thus avoid conflicts in the present.

World War II, because it is so close to our age, or recent history in general.

Ancient history as the Viking Age and Middle Ages. Because its so long ago and I feel therefore it is not relevant to learn it.

Yes, trying to motivate. Making it through a positive attitude to the subject through body language and lectures. Clearly engaged in the subject.

Through exercises and through listening to lectures.

Because of the past, we can learn to avoid mistakes in future.

Its part of the general knowledge as it is of course important to learn.

Some topics are interesting, others not. Major historical events and developments are very interesting but the everyday life of farmers in the 70s is not very fun.

Ancient history and wars in general.

Norwegian contemporary  recent history.

Do not do anything special to motivate, except to show some movies now and then.
First, listen to the lecture then read through the material

We have a shared history that everyone must take a part in. We can learn from the mistakes weve made.

Yes, as mentioned above.

No, not really. Interested in world wars and the Cold War. Nothing more than that.

Alternative teaching and independent work.

Blackboard, lectures are methods that doesnt work for me. Difficult to keep the concentration up.
He tries, but it doesnt work. Too much talk from the teacher, seldom we work independently. He is very knowledgeable, but is not comfortable two transfer his knowledge to us.

Reading, assignments and write notes. I do not learn of the discussions and lectures.

So that we can learn about the past and why things are as they are now.

Yes, the same as mentioned in question one.

Could have been more fun.

Alternative teaching methods such as film and group work.

Long lectures.

Not that Ive noticed.

Read and do exercises.

It is important to know about the past and development. We are told how the world has been and how it is become the way it is today.

Yes, the same reasons as above.

This depends on the theme that we have about, but most are interesting.

Like when there are movies and some alternative teaching methods, not only the blackboard and lectures.

Lange talks because it is difficult to keep the concentration up.

Yes, he is engaged in the subject and very knowledgeable, but should be more variety in teaching.

Read and make notes, also movies and etc.

We should learn from history, mistakes that have previously been made. We should also have knowledge about why the world is the way it is and why many are in the situation they are in.

Yes, learn about why things are as they are and not make mistakes as they have done before, see question one.

Yes, like recent history.

Film and lecture. Different and engaging teaching methods.

Tests and long speeches without variation that I find a little humorous.

Yes, he is engaged in the subject and has much knowledge, but there is little variation.

Read and take notes.

That young people should learn about the past in order to avoid conflicts in the future. It is important to learn about how civilization has become the way it is today.

To a certain extent. History is a very difficult subject and it is very important how the material is presented.
But history is an important subject.

No, its boring. Heavy with lots of lots of text.

Visit the archaeological mueseum, small movie clips, long films are fast boring.

When the teacher is talking. Homework is often very long and heavy questions, and thats why no one does them. And there is no discussion in class.

History teacher is very involved in the subject and wants the best for the class. And the teacher is trying as best he can. but Im not motivated to study more of the subject.

Do exercises and excursions, learn nothing from the teachers lectures.

Teacher of the past, recognize the events llignende if something happens again.

Important, see question one.

Ancient history is more interesting than recent history. Because older history has events that are important, as recent history is more detailed knowledge of politics.

In ancient history the discussion was used as a method which I found very instructive and interesting. Has not functioned equally well in recent history.

Could have been a number of powerpoint presentations, lectures are a bit monotonous.
The teacher is clearly motivated for the subject itself and that is often a good motivation for students.

In ancient history, there were discussions, I learned most from. Powerpoint and own notes.

History is a part of the culture. Explains why things are as it is today. History is a wealth of knowledge that is valuable for every generation that comes after. History helps us understand life in all areas and aspects, both social, events and their consequences. In addition, we can learn from history recognize, compare and reflect.
I think it is very important to learn because - see question one.

I like the subject very well and find it very interesting, especially when we can see the context of things that are relevant in our day, such as learning about the Roman Empire that provide insight and greater understanding in relation to the Bible. This is just one of many examples of the application of historical knowledge. It is this application that gives joy and passion to learn more.

Topics - ancient history in relation to how the earliest humans were. Interestingly, in relation to how we as humans have developed. Roman Empire, Pax Romana, explains Christianitys spread. The Middle Ages, mans attempt to serve that which is beyond themselves. A lot of unsuccessful attempts to do Gods will as crusades and witch burning. Method - movies are inspiring, good notes from the teacher. The fact that the teacher is clear on what is important  relevant to the tests.

Enjoy the most.

Yes Cares about students. Tells interesting stories, helping us to associate the knowledge visually.
Good notes from the teacher giving us tips on what is the most important from the chapters.If the teacher makes powerpoints and I take notes.


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