Formulating a Personal Commitment Statement as an Online Instructor

It is of great importance to formulate a personal commitment statement to students as the professor or instructor of an online or distance learning course.  Being physically separated from students during the learning process can be somewhat of a feat to overcome, however, by taking certain important measures, it is possible for online instructors to make solid commitments to the students they teach.  By taking note of modern technology, identification techniques, ways to enable a sense of presence, and regular engagement with students, it is possible for online instructors to guarantee consistency and even a kind of omnipresence to their students (Albright, Simonson, Smaldino,  Zvacek, 2009).  It is vital for online instructors to employ as many means as possible in striving to meet the true needs of students with a spirit of committed interpersonal communication.

In thinking about my own personal commitment statement, it is important that I take into consideration all of the various methods and technologies which serve to strengthen the teacher student relationship.  After consideration of a variety of necessities, such as the utilization of the most up to date student identification techniques, e.g. thumbprint identification, webinar capabilities, e.g. audio and video enabled online classrooms, and being regularly present for consultation, e.g., specified online hours, I have created my personal commitment statement as follows As your online instructor, I make the personal commitment to you, my students, to make use of the most current technology which fosters a sense of personal presence and verifies personal identity and to make myself regularly available through virtual classroom, virtual office, and email for education and consultation purposes.  It is essential that personal statements set the stage for welcoming students, setting rules, creating community, managing communication, modeling behavior, and establishing identity (Goodyear, Salmon, Spector, Steeples,  Tickner, 2001).

In order to put my personal statement into effect, it is essential that I conduct ongoing research into the ways in which it is best to create a personal presence by distance through the use of modern technology and ongoing engagement with students.  One of my responsibilities is to ensure current technological capabilities and to select the equipment appropriate to bolster the real presence in the virtual classroom and virtual office, such as adequate camera, audio, video, presentation, and chat room software and hardware.  It is also essential for teachers and students to be assured that they know with whom they are speaking and emailing, which can be proven authentic via use of thumbprint verification applications.  Last but certainly not least is that I remain faithful to virtual classroom and office hours and email response.  When it is necessary to have more personal contact, my virtual office can be activated on a weekly basis during certain specific hours, and I will consistently make myself available for student questions and concerns.  In the case of contact via email or messaging, I promise students to respond to their issues and activities within 24 hours, setting aside time for composing comprehensive responses.

It is not always easy to know the best ways in which teachers and students can foster a sense of faith and commitment, however, the technological and interpersonal capabilities are readily accessible, simply needing to be put to good use.  By conducting research into education related technologies and regularly evaluating oneself in regard to adequate interpersonal communication which is based on safety and trust, online instructors are able to create rich environments in which students can learn and grow (Palloff  Pratt, 2003).  There are many reasons why online and distance education is able to competently and successfully serve the needs of both education providers and education seekers, and ensuring the effectiveness of online education often begins with the level of personal commitment of online instructors.


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