Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program.

Juvenile delinquency has been a major problem in the society for many years. In fact, the National Center of Juvenile Justices 2004 report included more than 1,660,700 violations and criminal cases wherein children and young teenagers are the main offenders. Typical cases would often include personal as well as public order offense. Property destruction and drug violations would also rank as one of the top legal violations among juveniles.
Today more than ever, these figures steadily increase by the number. Records now show that the cases and violations of minor offenders continue to climb by an overwhelming 43 percent. Such cases are especially pervasive in the United States. According to recent statistics, approximately 80 percent of the cases handled by the juvenile court would involve teenagers between the ages of 10 to 15. The other 12 percent would consist of 16-year old offenders while the remaining 8 percent are commonly 17 year old offenders.
If the number are already alarming as it is, juvenile delinquency cases proves to be even more distressing as a lot of these cases  involved very serious criminal offenses. In the previous years, there are about 193,700 drug law violations. Larceny and theft would sum up to a shocking 278,300 cases. Likewise, there are over 284,300 simple assault cases and up to 15,800 sexual offenses. Other legal violations would also include over 1,700 reported cases of criminal homicides, 29,000 liquor law violations, and 41,000 weapon offenses. Other serious offenses committed by young people would also include public order offense, vandalism, motor and vehicle theft, disorderly conduct, aggravated assault, arson, and obstruction of justice among many others.
The trend on juvenile delinquency proves to be something that would persist for years to come if the society refuses to take action now. Therefore, it is only fitting to take a closer look on juvenile delinquency and how the society can effectively prevent this from happening. This research paper provides a proposal on how to prevent and ultimately stop the pattern of young people offending and committing law violations. The proposal will primarily build on a research work regarding juvenile delinquency in order to understand the issues behind this looming problem. From there, this study will shift its focus by proposing extensive programs that will help prevent juveniles from participating from illegal activities.  It will similarly look at the different aspects of the program such as the judicial, welfare, as well as the risks in order to ensure the effectiveness of the plan.
The term juvenile delinquency has been commonly used by the media as well as by the society far too many times. In fact, it is usually a part of the news. Statistics would also show that the illegal acts committed by children and young adults are becoming more and more pervasive. However, the definition of this word would mean more than just a young adult committing a legal violation. The definition would also carry with it the proper judicial procedure on how to handle a case of a minor.
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention define juvenile delinquency as criminal acts and offenses committed by children or minors. The age of the child would often vary depending on the country, state, or jurisdiction. In United States, the judicial system defines a minor is an individual under the age of 18. In some states however, this may refer to a person below 21 years of age. Likewise, other countries such as Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom define juvenile as someone who is under 18 years of age.

Unlike adult violations and cases, most judicial systems handle juvenile delinquency differently. Violations and offenses committed by adult could easily result to persecution. However, a minor who committed the same mistake would be evaluated and treated differently.  Most countries have juvenile courts that are tasked primarily for handling juvenile cases. This type of court operates with the judicial philosophy that the child should be rehabilitated instead of punished. Depending on the severity of the violation, a juvenile can either be disciplined through various means. This is where juvenile rehabilitation programs come in.

A juvenile program is a special program conducted to rehabilitate the young adult. A minor that has been ruled guilty of a delinquent act, would often be sanctioned by the juvenile court with verdicts such as detention in an institution or probation or supervision in a residential facility. Depending on the severity of the offense, a juvenile charged of a violation may also be subjected to perform various community services as part of the rehabilitation program.

Most of the community-based rehabilitations provide treatment wherein the child or teenager will be asked to attend several workshops, seminars or classes. Common programs would include anger management classes, counseling, outpatient mental health programs, outpatient substance abuse programs, or literacy programs among many others. Although such seminars could contribute greatly to the treatment of the child, they can still be improved in order to make the entire course more effective. Apart from just stopping the ever increasing problem of teenage delinquency, a juvenile rehabilitation curriculum more importantly, prevent it from occurring. Thus it should include essential and beneficial programs such as academic skills enhancement, after school and rehabilitation program, alcohol and drug education, leadership and self development course, community awareness and mobilization, mentoring, and parent training.

Leadership and self development program should be one of the first programs that a juvenile offender should undergo in a rehabilitation center. Unlike other programs, this leadership and development workshop seeks to look both at the individuals good and dark side. It starts by allowing the youth to see at his innate goodness. This approach allows the person to understand that despite all of his or her wrong doings, he is still capable of achieving good and great things. Similarly, the youth will also have to confront his or her dark side. Dark sides are masks that people wear to protect him or her from the harsh realities of the world. This would often include negative emotions such as anger, fear, hatred, or sadness. Dark sides also manifest in the form of negative attitudes, thinking and behavioral patterns such as the feeling of not being good enough, the feeling of being unlovable, as well as the unrealistic expectations he or she may have with him or herself as well as with other people. This problem-focused part of the program is designed to help the person eliminate all the faulty assumptions about his or herself.

This behavioral therapy likewise, concentrate on specific action that can help change a negative behavior or thinking pattern by providing an environment that gives him support and understanding. For instance, a young person who is lagging academically may have a thought pattern that I am stupid or I am not good enough. These thoughts will then be replaced with a new thinking pattern that uplifts and encourage the person such as I am capable or I can do it. The teenager, through the environment, will then be habitually reinforced that he is a smart and capable.
Similarly, the youth will also be trained to cope whenever a dark thought would arise. This often includes deep breathing, stretching, and focused thinking. Such techniques prove to e very effective and at the same time very easy to implement. In fact, numerous psychologists and practitioners have drawn and used this theoretical foundation which allows them to use this in a variety of thinking pattern, behavior, and situation.

Academic enhancement skill is another part of this program. This course will allow the youth to develop his academic skills which in turn, will help him or her more successful professionally. Throughout the years, researches have shown that a child who has an academic problem is exposed to a significant risk of committing a legal violation during his or her later years. Conversely, a child who excels academically is likely to be more capable of sustaining and supporting himself in the future. Thus, focusing on the childs academic development will prove to be beneficial for the child for years to come.

Naturally, academic performance problems will be a main block in this course. However, these problems should be examined within the broader context of leadership and development program as it look at failure simply as a learning experience rather than a measure of who a person is.
Another good thing about this program is that it does not only focus on general subjects such as math or science. It also includes other equally essential subjects such as music, arts, language, and human kinesthetic among many others. Progressively and persistently engaging in a variety of subject will allow the youth to discover his or her talent and ultimately hone and excel with these gifts.
Similarly, after school recreation program is also an important aspect in a juveniles life. According to research studies, children and young teenagers are in great risk of committing as well as participating in violent activities after school hours. During these crucial and unsupervised hours, children are at a greater risk of using cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

As the hours after school can prove to be very dangerous, after schools and recreational programs reduce the risk factors. It provides a much needed supervision and at the same time, it also enriches the childs experience by participating in socially, physically, and mentally stimulating activities. It allows them to interact with other people, create new friends which are also beneficial to their self esteem. Various researches now suggest that extra curricular activities can be an effective way to decrease possible school dropouts. Moreover, participation in such wholesome activities also promotes academic excellence and achievement.

Another aim of this course is to encourage the youth to develop new skills and interests. By simply meeting new people, he or she can also discover and learn new skills that he or she may use in the future. This may include sports, arts, crafts, music, and literature among many others.

Informing and educating the child about drugs and alcohol is also an important part of preventing the youth from engaging in illegal acts. Recent studies have shows that educating the youth about the negative effects of alcohol and drugs highly reduces the chances of possible substance abuse or addiction. Drug and alcohol education is especially designed to prevent and help young adults from abusing these substances. This program may be included as a part of the school curriculum. A review of related literature about drug and alcohol prevention suggests that one of the effective methods of relaying information to children is through interactive means. In fact, an interactive format can produce strong and positive results.

This alcohol and drug education course will primarily focus on the negative effects of drugs and alcohol in the body. It will help the child to become aware the using these substance can cause serious and irreversible damages to their health. Likewise, this program will also help the youth identify and recognize various pressures and factors that could influence them to use alcohol and drugs. This may include internal pressures such as stress, depression, and anxiety and external factors such as advertising or peer pressures.

In order to make the drug and alcohol prevention more effective, the childs household should also participate. Targeting the childs first environment can highly help the child from using drugs or alcohol. Similarly, it also helps the parent creating a surrounding that is free from any harmful and illegal substance.

Vocational and job training is also an important part of a juvenile delinquent prevention program. This section of the program concentrates on diverting the youth from participating in illegal activities by providing them options that will not only expand their skills but it will also help them support themselves. It is based on the theoretical context of economic choice theory which implies that a person will also opt to choose a high paying job even if it is illegal. However, that educational attainment plays a mitigating factor in helping a person choose between what is legal and not legal.

The vocational training program provides a perfect platform in helping them find employment and even entrepreneurial opportunities that will help the youth especially those with only basic or low level educational attainment. This program can increase an individuals employability by teaching him skills such as cooking, making crafts, computer skills, and basic literacy programs among many others.
Mentoring is another essential part of this program. This is perhaps one of the oldest methods of juvenile delinquency as it can be traced back during the 19th century. Despite of its old history, this type of delinquency approach still proves to be very much effective. Studies and researches show that boding with an older or wiser figure has an important role in the psychological and emotional development of child. Having a nurturing figure during his or her early years will help the child become a nurturing and loving adult as well. A reason behind this is because the child often seeks someone to look up to or someone who can assist and teach him.

For a juvenile prevention and rehabilitation program to be successful, it is a must to find qualified and great mentors for the youth. For instance, the mentor should not only be good in giving a sound advice but he or she must also know how to really form a bond with a child. There should also be a certain level of communication between the mentor and the child. This means that the mentor must show only authentic feelings and empathy towards what the child may be undergoing. Mentoring is likewise an avenue where the youth can totally express themselves without the fear of being punished or judged. Thus, it is important for the mentor to project his or herself as a friend rather as an authoritative figure.

Leadership and personal development, academic skill development, after school and recreation, vocational and job training, as well as mentoring are programs that focus on the development of the youth. These programs are specifically designed to help the youth understand his or her capabilities, skills, abilities, and talents. Likewise, these courses are geared towards helping the child understand that and different negative things that surrounds them and how they can avoid them. Although these programs are all effective, it is also essential to take note that such courses will only be effective and efficient if there is support coming from the parents and the community.

The community plays a very crucial role in the development of the child. Thus, it is only fitting that the community should do its part in protecting the child from any illegal activities. This would of course include make the streets and the neighborhood safe and free from crime. In order to do so, there should be collaboration between the juvenile prevention center and the community. Doing this will allow the entire community to identify the real cause of the problem. This can be done by first educating the community about the looming and ever increasing problem about child delinquency. This will allow everyone to understand that this dilemma does not only affect the family of the child but it likewise, affects everyone in the community.

The prevention center can particularly help increase awareness by gathering everyone to a meeting. Visual aids and other audio video materials may also be used to help inform the community about the severity of being a juvenile delinquent.

The community can even be more organized by tapping the different institutions to help them spread out information about juvenile delinquency. For instance, the community can ask for support from the different schools in the area to help disseminate the information. Alternatively, the community can also tap help from the local government as well as from private sectors. This campaign can also be supported by the church and other local organizations and groups.

Involving the youth in this campaign is also a great way to let them understand the impact and severity of topic. This is also a great way teach them about the value of responsibility and cooperation.
Aside from the community, the home also plays a very critical role in the development and in the well being of a child. This is largely due to the fact that the home is the childs first environment. It is in this place that a child learns to understand what is right from what is wrong. This is also the place where he or she will understand the benefit and the consequences of committing something that is right and something that is wrong. Therefore, it is only fitting that the house and the parents should also do their part in preventing juvenile delinquency.

Parents of course, have the most critical role in the social development of the child. Thus, as early as possible, the parent must see to it that the child is properly educated about the benefits and prices that he or she has to pay whenever they commit something that is against the law. Similarly, the parent should also help the child development into a well-rounded person by exposing him or her, to various wholesome and worthwhile activities.

Problems and disappointments should also be handled accordingly by the parent. This can be done encouraging and nurturing the child instead of punishing them. Likewise, the parent should take on a positive role so that the child can have someone to look up to.

All of these can by conducting a parent training. Much like the community awareness program, this course is designed to train the parents and at the same time to educate them about the importance child development. Parents should also be educated about the impact of juvenile delinquency in the child, in the family, as well as in the community.


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