Active Learning vs. Standard Based Learning.

Learning is a process that is used to develop the understanding in a person. Learning is very much different from the cramming. Learning is something that creates the concepts in the mind of a person and these concepts are never forgotten. It has been noticed that most of the practitioners and educational policy makers that they ignore the essence of learning. The educational institutes and programs do not make use of the learning models, approaches and theories. Most of the students as well as the practitioners are relying over cramming the text books. Learning is something that holds so much importance for building the personality and behavior of a person. For this reason it should not be taken for granted. The proper learning can only be provided if the basics are strong. In this case, if the right instructions are given then as a result learning will also be appropriate. The assessments can allow finding out that what the level of learning is. The learning should not be lacking because it may create a miserable situation for the education. Learning is something that can be termed as a process as well as a product. The product is attained after going through some processes or methods. These methods have been evolved in order to develop the sense of learning in a person. The understanding of the methods of learning is very important as it provides us the sense of skills, knowledge, behavior, understanding, perception, values and preferences. All these aspects are very important for a person to have a sensible life so for this reason the dissertation holds much importance as it is emphasizing over the learning methods and approaches. The paper is making difference in between the two widely used learning approaches active learning and standard based learning.
Methods of Learning
Various methods of learning are used in different ways and at different places. The advantages and disadvantages of all the learning methods are different. The methods are selected according to the course that is going to be studied. The learning methods can easily make the course interesting for the students. The learning method can have intense impacts over the establishment of perception and thoughts of an individual.  The learning method pushes the students to get involved with the course. All these methods are tested and verified in order to prove the effects, advantages and disadvantages of the particular method.
Research Problem
The dissertation is based on making difference between two different methods or styles of learning. Different styles and methods of learning can be seen and it is necessary to adapt the most appropriate style. The selection of learning method holds much significance as it is responsible for developing the overall behavior of a person. The problem of this research is that most of the students as well as the practitioners are not paying attention towards the selection of learning technique or method. They are just concerned with the text books and the syllabus which is not a right approach. For this reason we are performing this study in which we have taken two most widely used learning techniques or methods. These two methods are standard based learning and the active learning. Although there are other types of learning available but the scope of this dissertation is focused over these two methods. Under this problem domain we can formulate the statement of the problem as under.
What is the difference between standard based learning and the active learning and which technique is better between these two
The research domain is very broad as many other aspects also come under this domain. It is important to understand the different available learning techniques so that better can be chosen. It is necessary because the right learning method will develop the strong bases for the student. Otherwise, the students will be limited to the books. It is not only important for the academic life but also for the practical life as it enhances the knowledge, skills and personality of a person.
Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to learn about learning, its methods and the impact of learning.  Learning is a skill and it is a continuous process, so, here, we will discuss that how learning can be done in different ways. The basic essence of this study is to direct this generation towards the correct path of learning. Some people think that they are learning for school, but through this study, we want to direct them that we are learning for life, not for school. We want to make clear image on ones mind that learning has different styles. So, children and adults should follow those learning styles according to their mental capability. It is not necessary that if you are studying at school or college then you should learn only to get diploma or a degree. Teachers have made the new system of learning. They completely change the education system. Students are moving in a wrong way. They think that learning is all about degree or a diploma. They just limited the learning process. But, through this study they will have correct understanding of whole learning process. Not only students, this study will be better guide line for teachers that they should bring the basic essence of learning back into the students mind. They should understand that every student has different mental capability and they should manage their learning system according to those capabilities. If the teachers do so then they will be able to get the maximum outcomes of learning.

Learning leads to three outcomes
Be able to know
Be able to do
Be able to explain to others
Through this study, you will understand all of the above outcomes. If teachers and students follow the correct way then every body will be able to know, do and explain to others.
Research Question
This dissertation is to know that why an active learner is much better equipped to learn and use his education compared to a standard based learner
Various experiments have done to prove that active learner is more skillful than standard based learner. Active learner has the capability to think creatively in different dimensions. These capabilities are enhanced with the continuous active process. Active learner engages him in such curriculum that he can get the most of his whole learning. Active learner is sharp-minded. Active learning system equipped the learners to sharp the skills and stimulate the cognitive processes. Their learning system is based on such activities, which makes the brain fast and active. Active learner is prepared for exams any time. Every day is his examination because daily they get some activities to perform at specific deadlines. So, active learner is capable of managing situations in most appropriate way. In the beginning, it is quite difficult to perform different and difficult tasks but once you get into active learning you will enjoy such system. Teachers are qualified and create the environment interesting to wake up the learners mind all the time. This system makes them to become a good problem solver. Because with this system, such activities are engaged, which lead the person to take decisions and solve their problem themselves. This learning is really hard but it last for a long time. It is not a short-term memory. People, who learn with this system, take opportunities to move upward with higher cognitive skills. Standard based learning is entirely different from active learning. The learners belong to standard system are not creative. They are dependent on teachers guidelines. They neither provide feedbacks nor receive. They lack confident because they are not trained to ask something during the classroom. They prefer to keep quite in the classroom. Teachers are responsible to build some abilities themselves but teachers of such learning system prefers to provide them learning material and then take the examinations in the end of the session. Standard based learning is sometimes really boring. Students become non-interested during classes because they are simply provided to write lectures no active participation. So classes become boring. The teachers of standard based learning are qualified but they supposed to pour information in ones mind forcefully in a very short time of the class. Learner from such situations always lacks opportunities because when they face some critical situations in front of them they make their hands off from those situations. They found it as a threat not as an opportunity to avail or gain something. They realize later about those opportunities because their cognitive skills are not that much sharp to pick up the innovative ideas, which makes their life in an upward direction. This dissertation is more focused about active and passive learning is by understanding all of the research analysis, it has become clear than what are the basic differences between the two methods of learning What are the basic pros and cons of active learning as well as standard based learning system. This research question makes the statement that how these methods are applied in different schools and colleges These methods have different implementation procedures, which are normally decided by the administration.
Research Hypothesis
Why an active learner is much better equipped to learn and use his education compared to a standard based learner Make your own hypothesis. In this study you will learn the two methods of learning. These methods are implemented everywhere just to increase the efficiency in students to get more knowledge and information. Now, you make hypothesis that which one is the better option or with which learning method you are more compatible. Then this hypothesis will reach its result.
Active Learning
Active learning plays a very important role in every students life. It means some creativity than listening to a lecture. It helps students to stay remain active through out the year. Active learning means to focus on learning process in the classroom rather than focusing on learning products. It makes the student discovering, processing and applying information, which makes the students, enjoy while learning and it also helps a lot in learning different things. When students involve in active learning higher learning percentage is received. One cannot see anything through a lecture while the objects active learningare talking and describing their self, which is very important for the student. Active learning involves students more in listening and learning. There is a big difference in students of active learning and the students who learn through lectures. In lectures you need to explain the students more than the active learning. Active learning can be applied on all the standards of students. The students of active learnings concepts are clearer than the ones who just attend the lectures by the teachers. Active learning can be done anywhere i.e. in class, outside the class. It helps in developing interest in weak students and helps in improving grades of all students. Students are given an assignment so that they can get their concept clear about the given topic and questions should be asked about the topic. Games like crossword puzzles can be very helpful in active learning. Nowadays, some computer programs help to create individual crossword puzzles. Short and valuable videos should be shown to the students to describe a topic and personal review of each student should be asked after this active learning activity. These videos leave positive impact on mind so in this way, mind become refresh and get prepared to think in most possible ways. All the time, studies make the mind inactive. It is necessary to become pro active rather than reactive. Daily routine lectures and classes diminish the proactive ability of students. They limit themselves and stop thinking in different ways. If a student follows the active learning techniques he will be in continuous learning process. Active learning activities make him in such a way that his mind never stops working in difficult situations and he become more proactive than reactive. Every thing wants change in life so it is better to change yourself either to become a victim of change. Active learning can change your life in many ways it makes you sharp, intelligent, proactive, smart and informative.   Debates also make students active and give a lot of experience. Projects are also a part of active learning. In this, the students have to collect data during class. Students should maintain a personal journal about each and every entry and should be discussed while the specific topic is applied in the class. This will help students in their exams. Concept mapping is also a part of active learning. Students are asked to create visual representations of models and ideas so that they can be shared and discussed in the class. This is also done individually or some times in groups. New information can be acquired through concept mapping. This shows active learning plays a very important role in students career development.  Through these practices teacher try to pour knowledge in empty minds of students. Active learning can make the better interaction between the student and the teacher because it is a two-way conversation. In two conversations, students feel themselves free to explore their own ideas in front of the audience. As we discussed that speech and debate is a part of active learning so in this way students prepare themselves to face the audience. They try to manage all of the required procedures themselves. Presentation or debate helps to learn and explore more relevant material about the topic, so in this way teacher guideline is not enough. Proper implementation on those guidelines is required. By following your mental strength, you can learn more about your debate topic yourself and you can take part actively. Active learning makes the person confident. A person with this type of learning knows that he can make possible solutions in any difficulty.

Active learning can also make you a very good problem solver. When you are in a learning process, the teachers used to give you different situations and case studies to solve out. It is the basic step of your learning when you start finding the solutions of those questions. What these situations and case studies benefits you They can make you to think about those answers with your own intelligence. In this way, you start solving those questions yourself, without anyone help. In the beginning of this active learning technique, you find yourself in a very tough time. You become lazy and inactive because solving those difficult case studies is not an easy job. But, when you start it at once you really going to enjoy these little case studies and difficult situations. Your brain muscles become active and you lead yourself more into those situations. Moving a head, you will face such cases and situations in your real life. May be your real life cases are more complicated than the cases given you in your class. If you already have practice to solve these situations with your own mental capability then it would never be difficult for you to take the best decision in any situation. These case studies prepare you, and your mind to work in an active way. These little learning techniques make you experienced and you can use your experience in your coming life. A student in not always be the student. Sometimes, he is a teacher, he is a parent, and he is a businessman. So these are all learning who makes him to play these different roles in life. Practice makes the man perfect and it is active learning that makes the person to be in continuous practice process. Active learners like to works in groups that is why active learning activities are mostly done in groups like group presentations, project reports, visual representations etc. Group discussion helps a lot in active learning process. In groups, every body explains the topics to each other. If some one has problem in his mind he arise his question and to answer him the person who is explaining the topic need to think actively to solve that question. In-group discussions, every body prepare themselves with the relevant material related to the topic. In these discussions, active learners do not limit themselves for lectures only. They go for more research and information. Research helps them to learn more about those topics and they find themselves confident because then they think that they are prepared enough to face any question. Active learning also generates leadership skills and interpersonal skills in a person. As it is mentioned above that active learner learns confidence to express his views. This confidence is not limited to express views only, but this confidence leads a person to convince any one through his information and thoughts. He can make many followers and he can be a good leader.
Active learning allow learner to be recognized his own strengths. Active learner comes to know his own mental capabilities of doing anything. His strengths make him to be rewarded. Active learning helps to understand that his strengths are at which stage and he can pull his strengths upward by continuous learning. Advantages
Active learning is advantageous in many ways. Active learning requires the complete attention and devotion of the learner so it actually sharps the mental capabilities of the learner. In this learning system, learner should give his potential energy to carry out the whole learning process. The learner gives input then receives output and makes him prepared for the feedback as well. So this learning makes his mind to think in critical situations. It stimulates higher cognitive skills. As students have different learning style so the learner feels free to apply own styles during the learning process. Active learning stimulates the learner to take initiative. Active learning makes a person confident. Learner step by step moves upward. Active learner is more creative than passive learner. Active learner has stream of ideas in mind. His mental strength makes him to go more deep into creation of ideas. Active learner gives more input and they receive maximum output just because of their higher cognitive skills.
Active learning is not an over night process. It requires a lot of time and energy. Learner found it difficult to manage his time in activities. Sometimes the given tasks are so complicated that it takes a lot of time and energy for its completion. So, till the end of the activity learner may be stressed out. Highly qualified and experienced instructors are required to check and judge the mental capabilities of students and sometimes those instructors may do some mistakes in grading of active learner. In active learning, deadlines are very strict. So, it has become difficult for some students to complete tasks at the given time. In the beginning students feel difficulty in understanding, planning and organizing their activities. It requires time to be experienced enough.
 Standard based learning
Standard based education is traditional learning system. In this learning, students get education through a particular syllabus given by the teachers or instructors. Teachers provide lectures and learning material to the students in the classroom and these students should follow the provided course outline. In the end of the session, students are required to appear in the examination. Teachers provide all of the guideline to the students. In this way, standard based learning provide proper guideline to students that how to manage their syllabus and learning through out the session This learning is actually classroom based learning. Means students have to follow what a teacher said to them. They are hardly supposed to express their own views in front of the people. It is one-way communication, in which teacher is responsible to give all the lectures and syllabus to study. Students should take their classes on the given timings. These timings are already done by the institute or school or college administration. The students of passive learning are not involved into active participation because they do not have such system of doing activities during learning. Students required memorizing the syllabus for the examination. Examination in standard based learning decides grades. So, in this way examination plays very important role because it makes the standard of the school or a college. The teachers judge the capability of every student through these exams. Examination in traditional learning system is taken mostly in written or oral form. No activities, projects or presentations are involved in it. Standard based learning is entirely opposite from active learning.
Instructors make presentations and lectures for the student then this information is poured into the empty minds of the students. Teachers in those standard based learning system have different style of teaching. They are more comfortable with delivering knowledge and information to the students rather than receiving feedbacks. They teach students at their level. As, students have different style of learning so sometimes students face some problems in getting of all the information just in one class. Most of the times feedbacks are not considered by the instructors so students of such traditional based system feel hesitation to say something in front. Students then prepare themselves to simply read the given material and follow the instructions made by the administration of the school or college. Students typically attend the class, note down the lectures and start learning those given material just before exams. They do not play an active role in finding some more information related to the given lecture because they used to think that the material provided in the classroom is quite enough to make their examination clear in the end of the session. They hardly go for books. They only read those books that are referred by the teachers in the class. They limit themselves just to follow the syllabus. Their mental strengths are only judged by the examinations. The student who has got higher marks in the class considered as the A grade student. Such students get rewards or medals by the teachers or administration. These rewards are given to motivate them. Standard based learning is typical learning, which leads the student to base more onto their teachers. (Preskett, 2009)
In standard based learning, large amount of information is transmitted to the students. It is a good to think to teach the students in depth of every topic and every course. The teachers in such system are mostly highly qualified just in order to transmit more and more information to the students in different styles. They gather all of the relevant information regarding the syllabus, as they need to pour that information in the empty minds of students. Now after this, students are responsible to keep the information in their mind not just in their journals. They should try to extend the limits of the given lectures by researching or reading through different books. Daily homework is given to the students to make them busy in working. It makes them to work for longer hours. The deadlines are given for the particular homework and students are highly instructed to follow and submit their homework at the given time.
One of the great advantages of learning is that large quantity of information can be transmitted by the lecturer in very short span of time. So, learner receives maximum output from the teacher to get information about the related topics. Teachers prepare their lectures and note themselves. Standards are fixed. Students are well disciplined to follow those rules and policies of the school and college. Students are more comfortable with this method because this method does not stress them out. Learner does not want to take responsibilities so learner feels that teachers are responsible to prepare the lecture. Lectures and material, which are delivered to the learner, are organized and well planned.
Students hardly get 10 of the total lecture till the end of the session. Learner lacks confident. Higher cognitive skills are not required in standard based learning. In this system, students found very little class or group discussion. They are not independent to do something themselves. They used to rely on teachers and instructors to provide them learning material. They do not get clear concepts of the topic or syllabus. Lectures used to become dry and boring sometimes. Their mental strength is very less than active learners. They cannot bring creativity in their thoughts immediately. They used to memorize things. Practical implementation is almost zero. They do not ask questions to clear their misconception. Learner from such system really feels problem in planning and organizing things till the end of the studies. Such learners cannot manage their time in appropriate dimension. Students learn their syllabus mostly for exams and after they have passed in their examination they clean and refresh their mind to enter the other data. In this way, they fail to get the most of their learning
Significance of the study
This research holds so much importance if we look at todays world. This is a fast moving world. Everybody has to take and adapt the better options for them. Chances are not given everywhere, anywhere. Our skills and our talent make us to be known among people. If we use our skills to avail such chances than we would be able to find better options. This study shows that we can sharp and refresh our mental capacities. Through this study, we got know that we should change ourselves first then to work out on our learning system. Active learning system holds so much importance now days. Business schools are following such learning system. They want their students to think in different dimensions to find out the most possible outcome. As different strategies are applied in business so a person should be skilled full enough to recognize those twists in business. Otherwise in business there is no place for unskilled people. Through this study, it has shown that standard based learning are now limited till schools and colleges. At traditional school system, teachers guide students. They make children to understand and mange situations but proper implementation is lacking there. This study shows that it is necessary for a teacher to prepare and collect information for students. It is good for a teacher, because his knowledge also increases in this way. This study showed that what better options for the student are. A student from active learning is entirely different from a learner of standard based system. A person from standard based learning system when enter in to the active learning process, found so much difficulties in adaptation. As active learning require attention and energy so passive learner in the beginning fails to devote his time completely to his tasks. This study makes the person to realize that time is precious thing and take time in sharpening your skills for your future betterment.
Problems with learning
As we have already discussed in this research that learning is a continuous process, which makes the person to create an ability to know something and it can be done in various ways. In the recent years learning process, has become complicated and suffers various problems. Learning has changed the behavior of individual. It is learning that makes the man a good person. But in recent years some behavioral changes are observed in individuals regarding learning. These changes create some problems and hurdle in the whole learning problem. First problem is attention in recent years individuals start paying attention on too many things at a time. This lack of attention cannot make an individual to focus on his or her own tasks and activities. When a person is in learning process he should try to avoid other activities, which divert his attention from one focused point. So, students used to get into various things at a single time.
Second problem with learning is memory students are not capable enough to maintain their memory through out the learning process. They learn something for a very short time period then prefer to remove out their previous memory in order to enter the new memory in their minds. They used to forget things because of lack of attention. Every problem provide base to another problem. Attention is the root cause, which lacks memory in individuals. They dont even try to think about their memory loss seriously because they do not realize the worth of learning. No doubt, that we can learn in any stage of life but memory helps only at certain stage of age after that it wont help too much in learning process.
Third problem is education when a child enters to the school learning process start for education. At the time, when a child is the student need more focus on his studies otherwise education become difficult to him. Education the torture never stop, usually those students use this phrase that lacks concentration on studies. To solve out these problems the school or college plan such system of learning who help them to retain their concentration on studies. Education is the basic mode of life where learning process actually lies. Experiences are not enough to learn something information is also required to learn about your environment.
Fourth problem with learning is behavior learning is process when a person learns good or bad things both. It changes the behavior of an individual. Behave means to implement things in a way that you learn. Behavior has significance importance. If a person behaves in a good way then he must be treated as good human being.
We should think about these problems in our learning process. All these problems try to eliminate through learning methods. Active learning and standard based learning systems are designed for this purpose. If people really want to be an effective learner then he should know that he should increase his concentration not only for education but also for sports and games. His focus would make him intelligent enough to use his mind critically. Then he would behave appropriately according to his intelligence. Education makes him to deal in business environment. He can use his degree or diploma in order to get the well-positioned job. So, problems are the way to get your success. Comparison between active learning and standard based learning
Active learner restructures the knowledge into new knowledge by practical implementation through activities during the class. In standard learning system lectures are pour into the empty vessels of students to make the informative. Active learner gain about 50of knowledge till the end of the session but the passive learner gained about 10 of knowledge in their mind till the session end. Standard based learning is more about lectures given by the teachers but in active learning the students are supposed to explore things themselves during the class. They are given normally quizzes, assignments and projects to precede their learning process. Standard based learning is one-way or verbal communication between teacher and students but active learning is two-way process, which is also based on feedbacks. In active learning teacher try to implement concepts in real life they want to make clear vision of the concepts but in standard based learning teachers try to complete the course in the given session they are more verbal. Standard based learning is more about discipline and follows the rules and regulations of the school or college. Teachers are highly associated with the term discipline. They tried to maintain manners and discipline in their learners. In active learning, teacher is more conscious about transmitting learning through concept. Teachers are strict about deadlines for a particular activity. Some deadlines are so tough that student found difficulty in performing those tasks. In student based learning students are expected to record, note down and absorb knowledge but in active learning students are expected to make their own deep thoughts about their education. Active learning is dynamic in nature while standard based learning is quite stable in nature it prefers routine based lectures and classes but in active learning routine is not followed. Active learner is prepared to feel the change in his learning programs but passive learner never prepares his mind for a little change in routine. Learning culture between the two learning s in almost different. Standard based learning have proper season for examination in which students are informed sometimes before that examination will held on next month or after 15 days then the learner start memorizing their noted lectures and the learning material provide by the instructor but in active learning examinations are not fixed. Sometimes they grade their students on daily or routine activities. So every student must have to be active through out the session not likely to standard based learning.
Limitations of the study
We have performed this study with full efforts although we tried that there should not be any lack ness left in this study but still we have found that there are some limitations of this study. The major limitation of this study was the shortage of time. The time was not enough to complete this study by collecting our own primary data. The timelines of this research study made us to rely on the secondary data and we were not able to perform the analysis on our own it was desired that more time was provided so that we had surveyed by implementing these learning methods in practical. We would definitely go to hose institutes or schools where standard based learning methods are implemented or where active learning methods are implemented. Then we would take interview of teachers or instructors belong to those learning system. We would also discuss these methods with students and will ask them that which method is a better option for learning. But we could not do all these implementations just because of deadline, which was not so far.


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