Brothers In Arms
Brothers in Arms, a novel by Paul Langan and Ben Alirez, is a book about a boy who loses his brother in a drive-by shooting.  The characters include Martin, the adolescent whose little brother dies, also the main character Martins mother, whose main concern now is to save Martin since he is the only son she has left Frankie, Martins best friend and who also has gang ties Steve who is the school bully at Bluford High, and often antagonizes Martin, Vicky, Martins crush Eric, another friend of Martins Teresa, Vickys friend and Mr. Mitchell, Martins English teacher who wants Martin to think twice about gang membership and encourages him to make something of himself .

The plot includes the murder of Huero, Martins Brother in a drive-by shooting. After the shooting, Martin joins Frankies gang and they vow to find the people who killed Huero. Martins mother realizes this and is concerned for her sons safety. In order to keep Martin safe, Martins mother moves them to a new apartment thus forcing Martin to change schools.  At his new school, Bluford High, where most of the books action takes place, Martin meets  Steve, Vicky, Eric, and Teresa . Throughout the book, Martin is forced to choose between reacting in anger or to turn a new leaf and walk away from confrontations. With the help of Mr. Mitchell and Martins mother, Martin is able to create a new life for himself, which explores the themes of second chances and believe in oneself overcoming feelings of hate and revenge.

Overall, this book is an uplifting story about the trials and tribulations of gang members and the effects their actions maycan have on individuals and families. This book is easy for adolescent students who may be in impoverished areas to relate to because of the increased gang crime in those areas.  However, students who have never experienced any gang related crime or the loss of a loved one may have a hard time relating to this book.


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