Obesity in the USA

Tales of malnutrition and starvation are the order of the day in most parts of the developing world. However, the bounty existing in developed nations including the US has not spared their citizens from unhealthy diets. It is not the availability of food but the quality and amount of food eaten that determines the health of a people. For example, statistics available indicate that most citizens of the United States source their calorie requirements from junk foods like soft and alcoholic beverages, sweets and salty snacks. Because of this scenario, health conditions resulting from unhealthy eating habits have continued to affect Americans.

In a period of about 25 years, the average consumption of calories per individual has gone up by over 300 calories from around 1800 calories. This increase, to a person with normal metabolism, corresponds to a weight gain of around 30 pounds every year. Consequently, over 66 percent of all Americans are overweight. They are thus subject to ailments associated with dietary disorders and obesity like hypertension, diabetes and heart diseases among others. In essence, the American public is malnourished.

The culture of convenience and ignorance is the leading cause of malnourishment in the United States. The fast food industry has become an addiction to most people. People end up eating mainly processed and fatty foods that are high in calories and cholesterol. Despite the fact that most Americans, especially the young, are obsessed with losing weight, they do not understand that it is not the amount of food one eats that matters but its nature. Eating fruits, vegetables and grains in their whole nature, no matter the amount, is healthier than consuming two cans of soda per day. Only embracing balanced and sufficient dieting can save Americans from the number one source of chronic diseases facing them the food they eat.

Obesity is now one of the most serious health concerns in the United States of America. Presently, an estimated 60 million adults and 9 million children in the country are obese. According to expert predictions, all Americans will be obese by the year 2230. The combination of eating unbalanced diets and lacking physical exercises has created this scenario. It is not that being overweight is immoral or wrong it is that obesity exposes a person to serious health risks as mentioned above, including hypertension and health disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, respiratory complications and even cancer.

There are various reasons why obesity is increasing in the US. Behavioral and environmental patterns have evolved. The fast food phenomenon and the exponentially increasing rates of consumption of soft and alcoholic drinks and packaged foodstuffs have contributed to the increase of obesity. In addition, Americans are consuming more food that they ever did before. It is healthier to consume wholesome meals three times every day but people are eating salty snacks numerous times a day while engaging in minimal physical exercises, therefore piling excess calories in their bodies while not burning them. These excess calories are metabolized into fats.

In conclusion, there is a need to create awareness on the importance of dietary moderation in order to rein in increasing cases of obesity. Americans should be advised to increase the variety of food substances they consume and watch their rations. Particular attention should be given to the amount of meat consumed, sweets and chocolates, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.


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