What is social capital and how may it influence educational outcomes for children

Social capital is a sociological idea or theory used in commerce, money matters and public sciences to denote to associations inside and among communal set of connections. It is a structure of resources that subsist in the dealings involving people, (Wyness 2006). A persons attachment permits him or her in the direction of gaining admittance to a broader variety and choice of resources. Social capital can be applied practically to fabricate, create or make a replica inequality, indicating for example how persons gain right of entry to powerful point and situations in the course of the direct and indirect service of social connections. For this to happen, the person influencing these connections need be or must be well connected with other people. The disadvantage arises when the well connected in a given area get their things moving while the less or poor connected are left with no alternative thus inequality of everything ranging from chances to opportunities.

Social capital can be used to expose and reveal how the nature and quality of relationships have an effect on kids learning. This takes account of parent-child along with other adult-child associations in the family, in schools, as well as outside school. Family societal capital is capable of influencing the educational end result of a child. Parents social capital in a community can add up positively towards learning. In training centres where guardians are more connected with their kids education, it leads to higher learning performance. These guardians have observed and scrutinized their children closely and this has lessened the height of students misconduct and naughtiness, such as carrying arms to school, involving themselves in physical fighting and violent behavior, playing hooky, in addition to being by and large indifferent, unconcerned and uninterested about education, (Wyness 2006).

In parents who have no social capital, in terms of education, their children may not perform as well as their counterparts in families with well social capital. This should be encouraged but should be checked so as not to be used in the negative.


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