Dealing with Disabilities

Mild Disabilities
A mild disability is a form of intellectual disability characterized by slower development in motor, language, and social skills... (Westwood, 2004, p.134). Children with mild disabilities may be included in inclusive classrooms however they require additional supervision and D  or help from their teacher. Westwood claims,  Some students may need assistive technology and some may require a modified curriculum but in general students with disabilities need the same experiences as are encountered by all other students inclass (Westwood, 2003, p.19). Given that children with mild intellectual disabilities possess the same skills and abilities of other children without disabilities, it is appropriate for them to be included in classes with students without disabilities. It is important to note that what merely separates them from students without disabilities is their need for additional support in order to gain access to the normal curriculum (Westwood, 2003).
On the Case of Karl, Jackie, and Jose

Karl, Jackie, and Jose manifest different forms of mild intellectual disability. Karls condition manifests mild intellectual disability which can be remedied if he is provided with the additional support which will help him develop social skills. Karl may still be kept in an inclusive classroom however additional help is needed in the part of his teacher in order for Karl to master reasoning and problem-solving skills. In the same manner that Karl has mild intellectual disability, Jackie may also be considered as a student with a mild intellectual disability which is apparent in the difficulty she experiences in managing her behavior as well as in dealing with other people. In order to remedy Jackies problem, she may still be included in an inclusive classroom however it is necessary for her to undergo behavior management programs. Finally, Joses mild intellectual disability may be remedied if he is provided with additional help in developing his language skills. In the case of these three children, ensuring the development of their cognitive and substantive skills requires the additional help of their teachers. If this help is provided they may acquire the basic skills necessary for educational and social growth.


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